The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Let us talk about the Communion of Souls. To commune means to converse or talk together, usually with profound intensity and intimacy. On a deeper level, it is an interchange of thoughts or feelings—a profound and selfless sharing of oneself.

Souls long for that experience of communion, as they have been created for it. Think about it for a moment. Have you ever experienced a feeling of total bliss and contentment on your own? How do you feel when you are disconnected from others, especially from those you love? Isn’t Love the greatest pursuit of each life?

Love needs at least two participants. It can never be experienced from a place of disconnection. The more you learn to connect with others at a soul level, the more emotional fulfillment you will come to experience. This is what the communion of souls is all about. It has been meant to be initiated during your earthly life as you interact with your parents, siblings, relatives, and in social settings. It is all about loving connections—devoid of hurt.

When souls commune with one another, they are perfectly attuned with each other. They speak the silent soul language and feel utterly comfortable with one another—relaxed, joyful, grateful, and content.

As you grow in your spiritual life, you will also come to experience a deep soul communion with beings that are not of blood and flesh. Indeed, you are part of a much greater family. Your Angels, Teachers, Guides, and much more also want to commune with you at a soul level—independently of time and space. All this is within your reach if you take the time to hone your social skills. What a rich life you would lead! Loneliness would become a thing of the past, never to be revisited. Yet, it would have contributed to fill you with compassion for those who are still disconnected and, therefore, fail to be recharged with the positive energies being circulated through such a soul communion.”

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