The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, whenever you invite Me to spend time with you in the Stillness of your heart and the Peace of your mind, I am already there. You are the one initiating this heartfelt contact and I am the one waiting for you in that holy place of Stillness. Ours is a time of communion, a time when we can absorb each other’s presence and substance.

“This holy communion takes place at a deep and unspoken level. Words are not necessary when two beings find comfort in each other’s presence. This is when the Holy Hush takes over and satisfies all the longings of your soul. Yes, I am the Presence meant to fill the holes in your being. I am a perfect fit, a match made in Heaven, a long time ago.

“Engaging in divine communion with you, dear child, is a wonderful occurrence for Me as it has been the purpose of My mission ever since I volunteered to be your Guide and Companion. As we commune with one another, there is a complete allowing taking place and you are open to receive whatever I feel fit to infuse you with. A lot of my work with you takes place on a subliminal level and eventually reaches your conscious mind – when the time is ripe. I do plant many seeds in your mind and they are being watered and nurtured by your life circumstances. Some will grow quickly and others need much more TLC to get to their perfect unfolding.

“What matters is that you remain receptive and that you cultivate your own awareness so as not to miss those precious growth opportunities which are being orchestrated in your life. If you skip the class, you won’t get the lesson. The decision to attend a specific class is yours as your recognize within yourself the need to work more particularly on certain underdeveloped aspects of your character. You and I are remodeling your whole being--little by little. Ask for My vision for you and it will help you figure out the areas of your life which are under construction. Many resources will be then made available to you to improve upon them and get a step closer to the perfection of your being.”

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