“Excitement does not augment energy; it rather exhausts the powers of both mind and body.” [UB 1777:02]
Thought Adjuster: “The thought came to your mind that an emotional climate change is occurring on the planet. Many are speaking of planetary ‘climate change’ referring to the changes experienced in weather patterns—changes that are both due to the natural evolution of a still young planet and misguided human interferences.
“What about the emotional climate? There too you are witnessing much unsettlement. The political campaign that is currently unfolding in the USA seems to consist in a series of emotional storms of great magnitude. Many toxic emotions are being released in the emotional atmosphere, seriously polluting and endangering it. They are at the antipodes of the respect and unconditional Love expressed by your Master Jesus to His fellowmen under similar circumstances.
“Isn’t it time for those who claim their birthright as God’s children to act like it? Why do political likes or dislikes take such a precedent on professed spiritual allegiances? Why do they dangerously overshadow the Golden Rule of treating others as you would like to be treated?
“Is your faith a mere occasional lip service and do you use the very same lips to express hate and disrespect and spread rampant gossip rather than established facts? Are you caught up in these insidious and hostile emotional currents or are you firmly standing your ground in your undying allegiance to Truth, Beauty and Goodness?
“Such tumultuous times offer a great opportunity for each soul to show what it is truly made of. More than ever the world needs ‘guiding lights’ rather than birds of ill omen. A battle is currently raging between the forces of darkness and the forces of light. On which side are you standing? To which party are you lending your support? What is your contribution?
“This represents a personal test for each Christian to remain God-centered and loyal. Do you trust in God? Do you want to reclaim your country and your world for God? How do you go about it? Isn’t it more important to quietly go down on your knees and to express heartfelt prayers for the Divine Will to be done than to self righteously stand on a soap box, adding more confusion to the unfolding and very sad state of affairs? It is never too late to go within to regroup and ask the Father for His marching orders. Isn’t He the cosmic Commander in Chief?
“It is said that a butterfly can change the weather by the mere flapping of its wings. So can you by only expressing quality emotions worth sharing and multiplying and continually turning to your Inner Informant for His precious input.”