The Inner Sherpa



“Sooner or later all universe personalities begin to realize that all creature growth is proportional to Father identification... Mortals will sometime realize that success in the quest of the Infinite is directly proportional to Father identification.” [UB Paper 106, Section 9]

Teacher: “The above quote caught your interest. Human beings are experiential creatures. It means that experience is the key to their development and to their acquisition of knowledge and deeper understanding—enlightenment.

““Be perfect as I am perfect” is the Father’s admonition to each one of you. Yet, the Father’s perfection is existential. How does an experiential creature reach such a godlike status? It may appear that we talk about apples and oranges and that it is a hopeless and unrealistic quest to pursue. Yet, such is not the case as demonstrated by the earthly life of your Master Jesus, who set a groundbreaking precedent for humankind to ascend from a state of immaturity to one of character perfection.

“Perfection does not magically happen overnight for evolving creatures. It happens over time, and space is the foundational experiential classroom for its practice. To become perfect implies that your character is slowly molded to mirror the Divine Character that is 100% truthful, good and beautiful—loving.

“Your personal experiences are your personal truth revelators. The manner with which you address life challenges determines the degree to which you expand truth, beauty and goodness within your being. Those character attributes are embryonic in each one of you, as it is the Father’s promise that you will one day reach His state of perfection and exhibit the family resemblance.

“Passivity and complacency will never get you there, as they fail to activate the germination of the precious character seeds that lay more or less dormant within you.

“As you come in touch with your own godlike attributes and focus on nurturing them, you get to know the Father at a much deeper level and you start ‘feeling’ that you have much more in common than you could previously conceive.

“Many aha moments will occur, taking you to the wonderful place of knowingness. No longer will you need to believe. The more godlike you become, the more you KNOW God and that leaves no more room for doubt.”

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