The Inner Sherpa



“God’s forgiveness is made actually available and is personally experienced by man just in so far as he forgives his fellows.” [UB 1862:01]

Thought Adjuster: “You asked Me to expand on the above quote. Indeed, it provides much food for thought. Why is it that God’s forgiveness is “personally” experienced by man just in so far as he forgives his fellowmen?

“I would address this from the perspectives of the Mirror Effect and of the Golden Rule to treat others as you want to be treated. Anything else would be hypocritical and outside the realm of Truth.

“Everyone is tormented at some level by the errors of his/her ways. Everyone wishes for a clean slate in order to start fresh with the intention of not repeating the same identified mistakes. Wouldn’t you think that what you claim for yourself should be as well granted to others? Wouldn’t you like to extend to them the same courtesy as the one you solicit?

“Repentance is a prerequisite for genuine Forgiveness. It is the conscious act of ‘asking’ for the Forgiveness of the offended or injured party who is the only one qualified to for-give—i.e. to dispense Forgiveness.

“The Father does not use your offenses as ammunitions against you. He does not resort to emotional blackmail in order to keep you under His spell. The only influence He exerts is the one of His unconditional Love. This is why He forgives you even before you ask. He issues the slip of His pardon for you to claim when you reach that point in your spiritual evolution. He lets you out of your inner jail and holds you close to His Heart by the magnetism of His enduring Love—its irresistible and subtle force of attraction.

“If you ask the Father to forgive you for your trespasses against His loving Will, you have to demonstrate the same magnanimity toward those who offended you. Why would you be the only co-defendant worthy of the Divine Pardon? The Father does not subscribe to double standards—as clearly stated in His one and only Golden Rule.

“As you wholeheartedly forgive others and set them free from your grudges and resentment, you are simultaneously disconnecting yourself from the hold these dark emotions have on you. This is mutually liberating and it also frees your energies to be invested more wisely toward the manifestation for the Father’s Vision for each life.

“As you apply for parole for good behavior and claim one of the many ‘second chances’ granted by the Father’s Forgiveness, amplify this process of Forgiveness by reflecting it toward others. This is the Mirror Effect I am talking about. You are not a one way mirror; you are a two way mirror. What do you want to reflect? Wouldn’t unconditional Love be the prime choice? Think about it whenever you go through a situation where you feel righteous and would like to lord it over others. This is not how the Father treats you. The Brotherhood of Man can only come about when you start treating each other as the loving members of the same family under the Fatherhood of God. This is how you have to look at your siblings rivalries. Rather than endlessly amplifying them, look for resolution. What you manifest in the inner will be reflected on the outer.”

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