The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “The thought came to your mind that much healing can take place within you and around you by shedding light on the dark spots. A dark spot can hide undetected for a very long time under the cover of darkness. In human evolution and growth toward spiritual ‘en-light-enment’, Light is required.

“Light is the wonderful flashlight that is able to pierce through the darkness and to uncover with its purifying beam the character flaws that need to be transmuted in qualities—the diamonds in the raw.

“Darkness cannot stand light. Period. Just as lies cannot survive Truth. Do you realize the extent of your own God-given powers? Rather than being afraid by what you may find buried deep within your emotional clutter, rejoice in the fact that you are well equipped to deal with it. Darkness is afraid of the Light—not the other way around. Fear is what keeps you from opening what you perceive to be a Pandora box. What if this too was a self-lie? What if such a lie keeps you from opening a gift box containing all the marvelous dormant qualities that the Father generously bestowed upon you at your conception for you to develop?

“Whatever you consider as a flaw within yourself or others may actually be an under developed strength. A wasteful individual has all what it takes to be a generous giver. A shy individual carries within many gems of wisdom gathered by his ability to be a good listener. An angry individual, once able to filter this powerful emotion through the wisdom of his heart and to positively redirect it, can become a passionate individual.

“Do not be afraid to look within so as to be made aware of the process of metamorphosis that you can initiate if you set your views on the beautiful poster child you can become if you allow the spotlight of Truth to shine on the areas in need of inner remodeling. You are beautiful beings in the making and you are also the co-creators of your own beauty. It may require many personal efforts but they are so worth it. They will help you emerge from the cocoon of your unfounded fears and insecurities. They will activate you to be a powerful positive influence in your life circle. Be the best you can be at all times! This is how you will grow into it—nano second by nano second; inch by inch. Enjoy the process! It is setting you free!”

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