The Inner Sherpa



“He is a wise man who regards all parts from the point of view of the whole.” [UB 1452:02]

Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, as you consciously connect with the Divine Presence—in you and around you—you feel that you are being included in a gigantic hug. Such is the case. As you reach out to your cosmic family, an amazing ripple effect is happening.

“Visualize a circle being formed around the One Source and Center—the Divine Parent. As humanity increasingly awakens to the reality of the Fatherhood of God, they move closer to the perimeter of the circle already formed by those who came to understand that they are part of the Brotherhood of Man. Recognizing God as your Father is a huge step in the right direction.

“The next natural consequence of such a re-connection is to allow the Father to introduce you to the diversity of your family members. Their circle that lovingly surrounds the Father will open up to make a space for you and to include you in its parameter. This is the only way to the Father. You have to hold hands with your siblings in order to have access to the Center of the circle.

“Isn’t it a powerful visualization? Go through your day visualizing that you are reaching out to those who cross your path. Send them love and see how they melt when their heart is thus being touched. Isn’t it time for humanity to let down their guard and to project the best in others. This is how the chain of humanity will grow longer and stronger. Each link matters.”

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