The Inner Sherpa



“When you forgive your brother in the flesh, you thereby create the capacity in your own soul for the reception of the reality of God’s forgiveness of your own misdeeds.” [UB 170:2:23]

Thought Adjuster: Thought Adjuster:“Let us reflect on the above statement about the process of forgiveness. Why is it so?

“Suppose you are suffering from a hoarding disorder—a persistent difficulty in discarding or parting with possessions because of a perceived need to save them, which causes an excessive accumulation of items. You are distressed at the thought of getting rid of them.

“What about hoarding grudges, hanging on them for dear life? By doing so, you keep others ‘indebted’ to you in an unhealthy manner. Just as the overindulgence in material possessions clutters your living quarters, the holding on to grudges claims much precious soul territory that could otherwise be consecrated to the highest good.

“By letting go of the painful memories that keep you handcuffed to the negative side of others, you have no vacant space to receive God’s forgiveness for your misdeeds. How could your soul be in a receptive mode if packed to the rafters with negative feelings and intentions toward others?

“The reason why God is an incorrigible Forgiver is that His heart overflows with the substance of unconditional Love. He never resorts to emotional blackmail as human beings tend to do. He does not harbor any grudges and is a generous Giver and Forgiver—thus keeping the Love Circuit wide open in His Heart.

“When you forgive others, you are blessing yourself in the process. You are reclaiming some precious heart space, becoming able to receive Divine Forgiveness—thus wiping your tab clean thoroughly.

“For some reason, many of you fear to lose something in the process. Instead, what would occur is emancipation from the past giving you permission to live in the present moment, anticipating a far more pleasant future. Once recovering hoarders purge their living quarters from all extra items, they can move around more easily and get to relish in the blissful “zenitude” that takes over in the aftermath of such a spring cleaning.

“Forgiveness enables your soul to gain in altitude and vibrate in higher planes of consciousness. Would you rather remain earthbound by the unpleasant gravity pull of your grudges? Even a fool would not settle for it.”

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