The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, let us investigate today both sides of the human condition: Hostility versus Fraternity. It is obvious that your world is plagued with multiple layers of hostility. This renders life on this planet very hazardous and very challenging.

“Not only are human beings hostile and suspicious toward one another but they are also hostile and confused about themselves. This is the reason why your Master Jesus brought to your planet very concise and powerful messages: “Love yourself and love your brothers” and “treat others as you want to be treated.”

“Yet, it seems that the personal part of these injunctions is very hard to achieve. So many human beings are not able to love—or even like-- themselves. It is at times easier to recognize the beauty in others than in oneself as we are observing others from a distance that we do not have in regard to ourselves.

“Yet, you are of the divine essence. Doesn’t that deserve utmost self-respect? The problem with your world is that many religions have stressed and are stressing over and over the human imperfection, thus nurturing the lower energies of shame, fear, and guilt. This is unproductive as it holds humanity hostage to this detrimental self-image.

“Yes, you are imperfect beings but it is not a curse. It is how you were created so that you can “become perfect” as the Father in Heaven is perfect. This is the divine plan for your lives as much precious experience is being gathered by this evolutionary process of growth toward perfection.

“Learn to look at yourself with the same parental eyes and heart that the Father is directing at you. He sees your amazing potentials and loves you as you are at each present moment. There is a fine line between the positive impact of introspection and the negative one of denigrating and talking down to yourself. The Father would never talk down to you and destroy your self-confidence. Be aware of those moments in your day when you are not giving yourself positive feedback. Only positive thinking and positive emotions areones worth being cultivated and nurtured.

“Disengage yourself from any form of negative projections—on yourself and on others—as whatever your project on yourself becomes automatically projected on others as they reflect it back at you.

“As you change your spiritual surroundings, you will also be more effective in loving others and this will contribute to a more cohesive society where individuals support one another instead of getting their power from bringing each other down. How much pain and suffering would be avoided this way!”

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