The Inner Sherpa



“Man might fear a great God, but he trusts and loves only a good God.” [UB40:05]

Thought Adjuster: “God is great and God is good. Both are uncontestable attributes of our Father God—the Creator of All that Is. Yet, if you look at the various religious credos as to the Father’s nature, you will see them reflected on the outside by the way the ‘believers’ treat others and the Father Himself.

“Greatness is very intimidating to many. In the presence of an individual coined as great by his/her peers, many are not able to be their authentic selves, as they lack of self-confidence and feel driven to act as self-important, becoming phony in the process and losing touch with their true nature.

“God is great; God is authentic; and God is good. These are the three attributes of true greatness—the only greatness that matters and has a positive impact on all life.

“So many horrendous deeds are and have been performed in the course of the planetary history by individuals who only related to their Creator as ‘great’ and believed He demanded sacrifices to appease His perceived wrath. Is such a God worthy of your affection? Such a God is a figment of human imagination—an imagination projecting human and imperfect propensities to a perfect Being.

“God is great indeed, but His greatness has His goodness as an equal partner. This is what His Divine Son, Jesus of Nazareth, kept pointing at during His physical embodiment. Jesus Himself was a Man of great accomplishment and yet, He never became self-important and never allowed for His compassionate heart to be hardened and to become idle.

“Dear ones, Goodness is what you need to emulate to transform this world in the Kingdom of the Heart—thus lowering the Kingdom of Heaven down to earth. There cannot be authentic greatness without goodness. There cannot be a true religion without the participation of the human heart.

“Do not strive for greatness; strive for goodness and true greatness will be birthed out of this attitude. Lucifer strove for self-aggrandizement and for the adulation of his peers. He self-adulated as well, and such narcissism disconnected him from His inner God-given beauty. Beauty devoid of goodness is just a façade that fails to stimulate loving responses from other hearts.

“Strive to lead good lives—lives that take into account the universal need for love and kindness. Your rewards will be commensurate with such a God-centered attitude and you will lose all interest in the recognition of your peers. Your inner confidence will be the validation you are longing for, telling you that you are leading your life in alignment with the Divine Will.

“Be good; be true to your inner callings and you will be the best you can be at any given moments—the type of greatness that the Father is promising to each one of His children. This is what will activate the flow of Love between you and your Creator—a flow that you will never want to see interrupted, as it is to be an integral part of your eternal existence. This is your Love song to the Father—the echo of His own Love Song that resonates all over His super-universe.”

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