The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Let us talk about how to condition your mind so that you can give Me your undivided attention. Indeed, this step is of utmost relevance in our connection.

“Let us look at the human thinking process. Your brain is subjected to constant and very complex electro-chemical stimuli. The challenge for human beings is to learn to ‘tame’ their thinking process so that their thoughts are not running all over the place like an unruly herd of wild animals. Indeed, thoughts are constantly flooding your mind—at times connected to one another like the wagons of an invisible ‘train of thought’ while, at other times, unpredictably jumping from one topic to another totally unrelated one.

“Your brain is like a surveillance system. It has to quickly respond whenever some alarm is being tripped at some level of your being. Physical emergencies require speedy responses so as preserve your life. Your brain also has to deal with emotional emergencies and it is equipped to release various hormones to help appease you when you are under stress or suffer from emotional upheavals.

“Ideally, when you physical being is running smoothly, without any unforeseen hick-ups, your brain power can then be freed to focus on higher values and connections. Yet, it takes your conscious collaboration. You have to actively monitor your thinking so as to prevent intrusive thoughts from blocking the access to our direct communication and taking you on tangents that distance you from your intended target—your connection with Me.

“Dear child, as your learn to live with greater awareness, you also remove the roadblocks that stand in the way of our quality time. You are the one who needs to hang a ‘do no disturb’ sign at the doorknob of your mind. You are the one who needs to dismiss any mental intruder that would crash our intimate date.

“Your thoughts could be compared to the many colorful balls spread all over the top of a pool table. If you impulsively maneuver the cue stick, you will send them clashing into one another without being able to control the direction they take. On the other hand, if you keep your eyes focused on the target ball, you will be able to discard one by one all unwanted balls by putting them to rest in the pocket of the pool table. Just the same, your objective is to swiftly discard any unwanted thoughts, thus avoiding lengthy and unwelcome mental detours. You will become more skilled at swiftly eliminating all the distracting thoughts while claiming the winning prize—your connection with Me. Sharp and unwavering focus is the key to that process.”

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