The Inner Sherpa



“You must realize that the best method of solving some entangled problems is to forsake them for a time. Then when you go back fresh from your rest or worship, you are able to attack your troubles with a clearer head and a steadier hand, not to mention a more resolute heart.” [UB 1611:01]

Thought Adjuster: “The thought came to your mind that joy is a wonderful tell tale sign when you are doing the right thing. It is a byproduct of the fruits of Spirit. Joy flows from your connectedness with your life purpose. This is well worth pondering.

“Whenever you have to make a difficult choice, you frequently go through a period of anguish and anxiety whiledoing your best to figure out what is the optimal course of action. Action is the keyword there, not procrastination.

“The joy of the soul is in action. And yet, there are moments in between through which you have to work your way in the decision process. This is the reason why it is highly important to consecrate your decisions—to intend for them to be in alignment with the highest good. This ensures that you are connected to your Highest Good through the Divine Fragment in you.

“Taking a time out to turn within is the best way to proceed whenever you want to make ‘informed’ decisions. By turning to Me and confiding in Me, you become receptive to My input. It relieves you from the stress that you feel, if you truly trust Me. It is like turning to a good friend to use him as a sounding board.

“What matters is that you clearly articulate your conundrum. This allows you to put some distance between you and your problem, thus acquiring a bird eye view—a more elevated perspective.

“Remove yourself from the trenches of indecision and confusion. By turning to Me, I can ‘enlighten’ you by shedding My Light. Yes, rest and worship are your best advisors when stress and worries seem to get the better of you. It is like giving them the cold shoulder. This will help ‘belittle’ them and make you realize that you are giving them way too much power over you.

“Worship is a positive initiative. It is turning to your ‘natural’ light, like a sunflower turns toward the sun. You are engaging yourself in a positive and uplifting process that overrides all lower emotions of fear and insecurity.

“If you solicit My opinion, it is My job to figure out how to convey it to you in such a way that you get it. Patience may be needed in the process as I have to make sure that you are in a state of receptivity—that you are on the outlook for My input. It is yours then to take the leap of faith involved in making a decision. The right decision will be validated by the feelings of liberation and euphoria you will experience—by your inner joy. I add My own joy to the mixwhen I witness you moving in the right direction. These heightened feelings are part of My final answer and are meant to propel you forward, to give you a loving pep talk before I send you back in the trenches of your life.”

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