The Inner Sherpa



Teacher: “As you give us the floor, we connect with you and use your open mind to convey our teachings. We have so much to share with you! We are former humans and this is the reason why we are best qualified by personal experience to divulge to you many spiritual tools that will ease your way toward the next rung of your ascension ladder.

No spiritual or emotional growth occurs without having to face and overcome the very challenges that are a good match for drawing out of you the qualities that you are wishing to embody. Courage does not grow in the absence of fears. Patience does not settle into your being unless you learn to tame your impatience and subjugate your symptomatic anger.

The more you overcome while you are living your down-to-earth life, the more check marks can you cross on your to-do list. Whatever you put off for later may delay your growth and take you out of sync with your curriculum, as the qualities you acquire are foundational for the development of the next ones—especially as pertains to the emotional ladder that you are slowly climbing toward the triumphant emotion of unconditional love.

Dear ones, do not be spiritually lazy! Many of you prioritize their first cup of morning coffee before tackling their daily activities. What about your first serving of spiritual brew? It is of even greater importance, as your soul has eternal potential, while your physical body does not. How unwise it is then to invest all your energies in material pursuits! A much wiser and productive investment is to cater to the hunger of your soul. It will guide you to the most exquisite spiritual nutrients and it will greatly contribute to growing a healthy soul with a bright future.

Do not be shortsighted in selecting your objectives. Rather, set your sightson the starry canopy of greater spiritual achievements. They are within your grasp! From our elevated perspective, we can only cheer you up and reaffirm to you that personal growth—even though it may be acquired in the midst of challenges and difficulties, never leaves any regrets in its wake. Therein lay your proudest achievements, as you are increasingly becoming who you truly are.”

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