The Inner Sherpa



“Any religious belief which is effective in spiritualizing the believer is certain to have powerful repercussions in the social life of such a religionist.”[UB 1091:05]

Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, let us elaborate on the above statement and start with a comparison: The family unit is the first teaching environment for the little ones. Part of good parenting is teaching the children good manners and social etiquettes. By doing so, parents intend to prepare their children to become good citizens and good guests whenever the time will come for them to venture without chaperons out into the world. Any good education will teach the children to be respectful and considerate of others—to say hello, good bye, and thank you; and to behave according to the agreed upon familial and societal mores. Parents recur to many “Dos and Don’ts” in order to guide the child.

“Religions are in some way offering a similar but more advanced spiritual education. They too can be very foundational for the spiritual life. They too point out to many to “dos and don’ts”: “Thou shall not kill; thou shall not steal; thou shall love thy brethren; thou shall respect thy parents…”

“Ideally, both the home and the church environments should prep the children to become respectful individuals—kind toward one another and toward their elders. Both the family and the church institutions are not raising children to keep them in their dependence; theirs is to teach them how to use their freedom wisely. There should come the time-- in both cases--, when the little ones will become able to spread their wings so to speak and fly solo--away from the warmth of these nutritive wombs; they will then investigate on their own many facets of the big wide world and its expended living truths that span way beyond the revelatory materials of their elementary education. This is the reason why children need to be encouraged to reflect and to think independently so that their relationship with Spirit is personal and intimate, rather than generic and more distant.

“Spirituality is the connective tissue between individuals in all their diversity of origins and credos. Spirituality is the sign language of the Soul.”

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