The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear one, the thought just came to your mind that human beings need to step out of their discomfort zone. It is usually stated as stepping out of your comfort zone. Yet, in most cases the comfort zone is not comfortable as its boundaries are set in fear. Routine is familiar and predictable. This is why so many chose to live in that automatic pilot mode where they strive to replicate each day by following similar routines.

“Routines are numbing as they do not require a very conscious participation. Take the time to scrutinize the content of your so-called comfort zone. Is it boring or stimulating? Does it propel you to be creative or does it maintain you in a more passive mode of being? Are you afraid to step out of it? If so, why? Why is fear part of the equation? The very fact that fear partakes to your life decisions demonstrate that your comfort zone is more of a protective fortress—meant to ward off perceived threats.

“What could you change in your daily routine to spice up your life? What would you wish to do if you were not afraid to do it? Is your inner child held hostage of your fears and prevented from playing in the great outdoors?

“By stepping out of your self-prescribed comfort zone, you may discover a much greater comfort. You soul is craving for love and peace. Those are truly comfortable emotions. These are the one you are searching in order to establish an eternally comfortable zone. A comfort zone cannot include any lower vibrations—any negative emotions—as these are very uncomfortable.

“By living in awareness, you will start going through your emotional closet and you will intentionally discard these emotions and feelings that are cramping your lifestyle. At all times, you have the free will choice to substite a lower emotion with a higher one. It does take some effort to do so but it is doable. You are a powerful being who needs to step into his/her own power. Those who make a difference in this world are those who act “differently” and who set new and fresher examples on how to live a fulfilled life—a life filled with a rich content—an inspirational life.”

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