The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “How do you become the best you can be? How do you develop the best version of yourself? First of all, how do you learn what such a version is?

Those are very deep questions to investigate, as they are the key to your sound development. Wouldn’t it be foolish for a traveler eager to reach a specific destination, to randomly start walking without carefully planning his road trip? It would have the great danger to delay or even make impossible his arrival to the coveted destination.

I am the One in the know of your destination. I am the most qualified to assist you in setting your course, moment by moment. This is why you have to come to the point where you willingly solicit My Guidance. I am your Heavenly GPS. I am your North Star. I am your Compass. I KNOW the way. I AM the way. Why then would you choose to travel solo? What benefits would that provide you not to hold My extended Hand? You would deprive yourself of a loyal Travel Partner and of the reassuring safety of our twosome—meant to become a Onesome.

Indeed, your earthly life is in need of a direction. I will help you decipher whatever crosses your way whenever you are not fluent in the lay of the land. All that is asked of you is to be the best you can be, moment by moment. This will hone your skills. As well, a fleeting instant does not carry much weight in the scope of eternity and, whenever you fall short of your own expectations, you can retrace your steps to regain your footing and extract wisdom from that experience.

Indeed, Wisdom is the elixir of Greatness. Great men are wise men. God is great and God is all-wise. Don’t you understand now the purpose of your human tribulations? Aren’t they the driving forces for your budding greatness? Take heart, children of the earth! You are on the way to your divinely pre-ordained Greatness if you would only let Me be of assistance.”

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