The Inner Sherpa



“The bestowal Son is the Prince of Peace. He arrives with the message, “Peace on earth and good will among men.”[UB, 52:6.1]

Thought Adjuster: “Peace is your most valuable asset. “The peace tendency of the human race is not a natural endowment; it is derived from the teachings of revealed religion, from the accumulated experience of the progressive races, but more especially from the teachings of Jesus, the Prince of Peace.” [UB, 68:3.5]

At its apex, this sublime state overtakes you—body, mind, heart, and soul. You feel an extraordinary sense of calmness and safety. You are clear-headed, and your mind performs optimally, bringing about positive outcomes since it disallows negative interferences. Bliss, happiness, and contentment are the natural offspring of such a sublime peace that acts as body armor, deflecting worries, anxiety, and stress.

Hold onto it by all means, as it is godlike. It was an outstanding trait of your Master Jesus—rightfully called the Prince of Peace. Those who met him were tremendously impressed by his poise amid conflicts and the nobility of his peace-commanding presence. Such is the soothing influence exerted by those who remain unruffled amid dire circumstances— ‘self-made masters.’

A blessed state of universal peace appears to be utopic. Your planet abounds in hot spots of conflicts that have undesirable ripple effects. No one denies the fact that restlessness is highly contagious. Yet, so is peace—its antidote. Give it all due credit!

Restlessness catches you off guard. It is how it conducts its hostile takeovers, running havoc in many lives. Because he lived with awareness, Jesus never fell prey to emotional disequilibrium. He remained grounded in the present and the Presence—the omnipresent Guiding Light that is so overlooked when one focuses on ephemerous cloud covers.”

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