The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “As you progress on your life journey, you come to understand that you are not as helpless as you have been led to believe by your life programming. The Blaming Game is a game that is being played all over the planet; as you witness it, you realize that it is far from being productive. On the contrary, it does not resolve any of the urgent issues that need attention but keeps fueling their fire. By blaming others for everything that goes wrong in your life, you become more and more disempowered and very adept at projecting on others your own issues in need of scrutiny and repair.

“By blaming others, you do not assume any responsibility for the problems at hand and fail to recognize your own healing power over such dysfunctional situations; you chose not to activate your free will power as a potential game changer but rather wallow in self-pity and find some semblance of solace by adhering to the victim mentality. Sure, the faulty decisions of others and their loveless behavior may throw monkey wrenches into your life and destabilize you for a while. Yet, you all are equipped with the inner ability to respond in a constructive way to the fluctuating dance of relationships. You can change the step of the dance and by doing so, your dance partners will have to adjust their own step.

“Isn’t it preferable than to keep dancing out of sync with one another? Too many feet are being stepped on all the time; too many feelings are being bruised and do not find the healing balm of forgiveness. Whenever the behaviors of those who are present in your life are dysfunctional, do not use this as a justification for your own dysfunctional behavior. This is distorting your own reality. This is burying your head in the sand of lame excuses and justifications.

“…love is the dominant characteristic of all God’s personal dealings with His creatures.” [The Urantia Book 40:04]

God, Himself has been extremely misunderstood by His immature creatures that do not shy away from blaming Him for the sorry state of affairs on their planet. They project their anger on Him and turn Him into an angry God. They project their lack of compassion on Him and turn Him into a wrathful God—a God that would hold grudges. His divine character has been defamed in so many ways by His self-righteous creatures and yet, He is absolutely unable to step out of His all-embracing state of love—His absolute nature.

“Love is the answer—the only answer—to resolve the most challenging situations. You can help yourself by choosing love over all other seemingly attractive options of retaliation and refusal to forgive. By choosing love, you are becoming your own healer and you are also moving yourself and your relationships into a healing zone. Whenever you encounter life situations that bring turmoil to your feelings, stop and reflect on how you can turn things around by the practice of the Golden Rule. Put it to the test and see how the emotional knots of your being will start loosening up and being untangled thus allowing a larger flow of love through your being and restoring your inner peace. Isn’t worth a try?”

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