The Inner Sherpa



“When a great truth seeker and a great truth giver meet, the result is a great and liberating enlightenment born of the experience of new truth.” [UB 1428:01]

Thought Adjuster: “Let us expand on the above quote. First of all, let us talk about ignorance in order to put things in perspective. Ignorance is what leaves you in the dark, and anxieties and insecurities are its natural offspring. This is the reason why only Truth with “T” can set you free. Absolute and unadulterated Truth sheds a powerful light and such a light liberates you from the fetters of ignorance and its dungeon of darkness.

Yet, the opposite can also occur, as demonstrated by the down spiraling career of Lucifer whose name meant “The Light Bearer” and who sadly became the poster boy for lies, deception, and darkness.

What are you searching for in your life? What are you surrounding yourself with? Light or darkness? You are bound to live in a state of ignorance in many areas of your life. The question is: Are you doing something about it? Are you asking relevant questions? Are you on the outlook for the events or personalities that will provide you with the answers to your questions? Enlightenment requires receptivity on your part.

Your sincere realization that you do not know it all will be the primer needed for the spark of enlightenment to take hold of your being. Children are known to be inquisitive. This is how they learn, as their curiosity leads them forward in their acquisition of knowledge.

All of you have experienced at some level the blissful feeling of finally ‘getting it’. Finding the solution to a difficult predicament is indeed a moment of victory for the seeker. It is also a victory for the Teacher—for the one who strives to make you aware of the answer, as the success of the student is the Teacher’s success as well.

Yet, enlightenment does not amount to much if it is not put into action. It is easy for human beings to fool themselves into believing that their intellectual capacities and degree of enlightenment are sufficient testimonies of their worth. The true Masters—like Jesus—are those who put into action the Truth that they uncovered, thus “self-realizing”. By doing so, they became the embodiments of Truth and demonstrated its practicability. This is true enlightenment—to show the way by becoming it.”

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