The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Let us talk about Self-Confidence. You were pondering some areas in your life where you exhibit a lack of self-confidence. You also realized that you are the one projecting such thoughts of unworthiness unto yourself—not necessarily others.

“Young children may be at the mercy of what immature and dysfunctional adults project unto them, telling them that they do not amount to much. This indeed is a form of crime against mankind, as the child is not equipped to discern and to refute such undermining statements coming from the mouth of those they naturally look up to.

“Fortunately, the Father bestowed a Fragment of Himself on His children of time. As well, He provided them with hands-on Guardian Angels—personal bodyguards and babysitters. They are there to deflect such hurtful projectiles before they cause too great a harm to these innocent victims.

“Yet, sometimes such words leave deep scars in the psyche and the child has to struggle through life with emotional handicaps. How do you heal them? First of all, as a child grows older, his own skills of discernment need be activated. Rather than taking at face value what others project him to be, the child will start sensing the alarm bells of his truth detector. Life may also place on his path individuals or circumstances that will help him get in touch with his qualities—with the positives of his being that have not been pointed out to him as they should have been by his parental custodians.

“As for everything else, Confidence has to be nurtured in order to be strengthened. Confidence is healthy. Over-confidence is not. It is the pendulum swinging to another extreme where the ego is becoming oblivious of the personal reality. Indeed, to maintain a healthy confidence level is a balancing act. It will lead you to take positive actions in the areas of your life that ‘are calling your name.’

“Whatever you feel passionate about, is usually what you are naturally good at. This is what parents need to promote in their children in order to boost their confidence, rather than projecting their own expectations on them. Your children are not there as proxies for whatever you fail to achieve in your life. You have your own silver talents to multiply.

“Success is a great confidence booster, while failures may crush it temporarily. Yet, they too can turn into effective motivators to try harder and thus positively shape your character. By trusting your internal guidance system, you will develop accrued confidence.”

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