The Inner Sherpa



“The true teacher maintains his intellectual integrity by ever remaining a learner.” [UB 1433:02]

Thought Adjuster: “It is an impossibility for anyone to claim that he or she knows it all. Surely, individuals may have developed expertise in some specific areas by asking relevant questions, doing focused research, and extracting answers—going through the process of articulating theories, testing them, and validating or discarding them as unsustainable.

All of you are groomed to become teachers in your field of predilection—what you are passionate about. Indeed, the best teachers are passionate about their favored topic, as there is an invisible and yet very tangible connection between that subject and their inner makeup—a force of attraction.

Our God is a passionate God in so many ways and His Passion is part of the makeup of your personality. It is what drives you to become co-creators. Yet, you have to qualify for such a position and your co-creator agreement includes the implied stipulation that you will as well teach what you are proficient at.

At the same time, you will remain an eternal student of life and this will guarantee that you will never be stuck in a state of boredom or of an overinflated ego. Indeed, the true teacher will always remain a learner, as there is so much to investigate in an infinite and ever-evolving universe.

Your Master Jesus had to earn His teaching credentials in the school of human life. How could He be qualified to teach the human brotherhood without treading on the same earth and experiencing similar trials and tribulations? This is the stuff true teachers are made of. They are not merely coming from their intellect, but are also feeling compassion and empathy. They are not resorting to a cookie-cutter approach, but are customizing the lessons according to the current needs of their students, as well as foreseeing their future needs, having gained personal and very intimate insights into what they may turn out to be.”

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