The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Let us address the Peace that surpasses all Understanding by turning into a practice, as there is no better way of understanding than to have a hands-on exercise.

In order to access a peaceful state, it is important that you calm down your electro-chemical body—your physical body and its subtler layers. Start by articulating a clear intention to do so. That will allow for your mind to take command of the process. Be firm and confident as you express this intention and this will subdue the elements ofyour being that need to be called to full attention. Indeed, your mind could be likened to a teacher, who, before starting the lesson, makes sure that all the students are paying attention.

Secondly, infuse your breathing with that same intention. Visualize that you are inhaling and exhaling the pure and unadulterated substance of Peace. As well, as you initiate that process, become conscious that you are exhaling all tension, stress, and emotional irritants. Appreciate the sense of relaxation that slowly spread through your physical body as well. Indeed, Peace could be likened to a wonderful and soothing tidal wave that surges from deep within and washes out on your physical shores.

Focus on the inner stillness; focus on its wonderful sense of calmness that washes out all impatience and restlessness. Isn’t it the most pleasant state of being—a state you wish would linger forever? Such is the Peace that passes all understanding—a rich resource that is available for you to tap into whenever you feel the need for a regenerative time-out. Such a peace is pregnant with the highest celestial influences available to you. It is where your human spirit connects with the Great Spirit and gets infused with Its Holy Vibrations. Doesn’t My description whet your appetites to taste such a state of peace? It is yours to have.”

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