The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster:“The thought came to your mind that, whenever you feel a strong urge to change, your circumstances start changing around you. Why is it so?

“The main reason for that is that no change can take place in your comfort zone, as it has become a zone of complacency and emotional and spiritual stagnation. You have to personally initiate the process of change because you have received the free will prerogative—a prerogative that will never be overridden by the Divine. His gifts are yours to keep and to put to good use—or not.

“Surely, life will provide you recurrent opportunities to take such a decision. They usually present themselves in crisis situations that shake you out of your torpor in the areas that need attention and challenge your resourcefulness.

“Once you come out of your state of denial and overcome your refusal to deal with whatever needs to be reformed and healed within you, you give your implied permission for the universe to rearrange the set of your life’s production, thus prepping it for the next scene in your personal evolution—one that will facilitate such changes.

“Change does not occur magically through mere wishful thinking. Rather, your inner work will be supported by a challenging life curriculum that will provide you with multiple opportunities to ‘rehearse’ specific skills toward their mastery. If you wish to overcome anger, irritating agents will be pop up and you will have to devise ways to defuse them. Eventually, what previously arose violent responses on your part, will cease to do so.

“Indeed, your circumstances may not necessarily change. What changes is the way you address them, thus bringing a different outcome. Dear ones, by positively adjusting your steps to the dance of life, you are becoming more graceful and Grace-filled, thus earning new ‘spiritual achievement patches.’”

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