Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, many prayers start or end with “in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.” Why is it so? What does it imply?
“Since Pentecost, humanity has been blessed in a threefold way: The Spirit of Truth, the Holy Spirit and a Divine Father Fragment were bestowed upon each individual willing to receive them. It means that the Divine Trinity personally came to assist each human creature—in a threefold way.
“At the onset of creation, God the Universal Father ‘conceived’ in His mind the Master Plan of creation—a plan infused with Love and Wisdom. Such a plan was then implemented through the Eternal Son and His Spoken Word. Yes, the Spoken Word is powerful. It was the second creative step. Once spoken, words take a life of their own as they are encoded and encrypted with meanings and values that determine the outcome of the spoken word—the manifestation of its underlying intention.
“The third creative step was delegated to the Infinite Spirit. The time had come for action—for Love in Action. The Father thought, the Son spoke, and the Spirit acted in complete alignment with this heavenly chain of command. Each step flew naturally and organically into the next one due to the utmost unity of the Trinity—Its Oneness.
“When you look at your own being, you will come to realize that you have been amazingly endowed with the same creative privileges: You have been given a mind that can conceive and plan; a mind that can weigh the pros and cons before issuing some command to set things in motion. You have a voice that allows you to put in space and to articulate your creative intentions—to make them known, to express them. This is how you share your plans with others and you can enlist their help. You can campaign for the manifestation of your vision.
“Finally, once all the nuts and bolts have fallen into place in your mind, once you have released these thought forms through your spoken words, you get to the implementation phase—to the action. This is when you are becoming your own action figure—the one who determines how your life and your reality get to be shaped. You too can function like the harmonious organism of the Trinity: 3 in 1. This is the reason why there needs to be a precise chronological flow in your own co-creations. So many co-creations are sadly ‘accidental’ as they are not preceded with wise forethought. They are impulsive but frequently the impulses do not stem from a loving heart, but rather from momentary whims and misguided moods. The outcome frequently leaves much to be desired. Regrets are the emotions that are then left in their wake—instead of the elation that is born from the positive and rewarding results of a wise and well thought out plan.
“As human beings learn to live with more awareness, more time is spent in the designing phase as it is the most crucial one. A good concept is doable and brings about harmonious results. Think before you speak, speak before you act, and let your actions reveal the truth, beauty and goodness of your intentions. Such is the ‘divine right order’ of creation.
“The initial thought process ensures that nothing is left to chance. Once humanity learns to act in such a manner, all co-creations will be devoid of detrimental and unanticipated side effects. All it takes is to put a brake on the busyness--on the misguided compulsive behaviors and to go within and get in touch with your indwelling Trinity so as to weigh your ideas against their golden standard of Truth, Beauty and Goodness. If they meet these criteria, you can then get the inner green light and jump into action—rather than ignoring the warning signals of the yellow light or dangerously speeding through a very red one—placing yourself and others in harm’s way.”