The Inner Sherpa



“Mankind can be unified only by the spiritual approach, and the Spirit of Truth is a world influence which is universal.” [UB 2065:06]

Teacher: “Not only is Truth liberating, but it is also unifying. It makes sense. Once lies are refuted, there remains no difference of opinion, provided that pride does not prevent the recipients of such truthful disclosures from owning to them.

“It is the reason why, as an unprecedented gift on the day of Pentecost, one of the first loving ‘universal’ gestures that Jesus performed after ascending to His Abode of Love and Light was to dispatch His Spirit of Truth, coupled with the motherly Holy Spirit “to be outpoured on all flesh.”

“It is difficult for material creatures to grasp the magnitude of such blessings. Indeed, they exert a universal and positive spiritual influence—made available to all indiscriminately. Only stubborn ‘self-discrimination’ leads some of you to turn their backs to such life-changing blessings.

“Dear ones, allow yourselves to be moved by the Spirit of Truth and the Holy Spirit. They collaborate with your Divine Indweller—the personal Gift of the Father to each one of His normal-minded children of time and space. How blessed you are! How gifted you are! How empowered you are!

“What are you waiting for to unwrap these sublime presents and put them to their intended practical use? Aren’t they the most thoughtful presents ever?”

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