The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “How can I best contribute to the needs of the world? What is my particular calling at this exact moment?” Shouldn’t it always be your highest priority to figure out both these answers, as they are interconnected?

Your calling will ALWAYS promote the highest good. Therefore, the role you play in the human drama is not expandable. Each part matters as each brings expertise to the planetary roundtable.

Do not entertain the erroneous thinking that you do not amount to much. How could it be when the Father invested so much of Himself in your personality? Many outstanding individuals live cheerfully and productively while coping with significant handicaps. They turn them into assets—a poignant ministry of gratitude amid adversity, as well as a testimony to human resilience.

Some determined artists have developed impressive techniques, substituting their mouth or feet for missing hands. They do an admirable job of preventing their physical handicap from spreading into their emotional and spiritual bodies—becoming living inspirations to those inclined to feel sorry for themselves even though their lot in life seems preferable.

Your expertise fits in one or more of these three categories:

Truth —predilected by those of inquisitive minds
Beauty for the artistically inclined—expressed through musical renditions, colorful artworks, heart-wrenching poetry, culinary prowess, and more
Goodness through selfless service and the implementation of moral values

One thing is for sure, over time, your starter kit will expand.

Love is genuine in its essence, beautiful in its interactions, and consistently yields good outcomes. Those are the criteria by which you can assess where you stand in life. Jesus demonstrated the do-ability of a love-driven life. His steadfast quest was to get to the bottom of things or situations and put to practical use the truth thus extracted. It is how He acquired experiential wisdom while living an authentic, beautiful, and impeccably good life.

You benefit from the generational legacy of knowledge. Much groundwork has been done on your behalf. Grab the relay baton and, with unflinching determination, add your valued personal touch to this project of staggering magnitude.”

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