The Inner Sherpa



Teacher: “We love it when the children of the Earth turn their hearts and their thoughts heavenwards. There is a multitude of levels of growth—of celestial classrooms—that have been set up for your spiritual education. Yet, you have to enlist. You have to desire to progress and you have to demonstrate such a heartfelt desire by realizing that you are far from knowing it all—even though many of you exhibit such a presumptuous behavior that prevents them from learning more.

This is in great part due to the spiritual indoctrination that many of you are subjected to from birth. It is good to be initiated to spiritual values and it is good parenting to make you aware of invisible realities. Yet, the educative role of parents is to help place you at the starting gate of spirituality, without hampering your inquisitive mind. They are here to provide mature answers to your childish questions, sharing their enlightenment with you without overinflating it. What I mean by that is that they have to humbly admit that they do not have all the answers.

Don’t you often experience that an innocent child’s mouth is a great provider of deep answers? Such a state of innocence needs to be preserved by surrounding the child with truth, beauty, and goodness. Those are the most fundamental elements to guide a child toward a greater expression of his or her God-given unique personality—a personality that should not be forced into some unfitting mold.

Dear ones, once you find your own groove, you will be passionate about it and such a passion will be your guide and the validator that your life is lived according to its God-given purpose. It is as simple as that, and yet, it does not come easily to most of you, as your vision is clouded by popular belief and unrealistic expectations. Retrace the steps to your innocence. Ask to be guided, guarded, and protected and anticipate some much-needed changes in your life. Once you are in the divine flow, you will be activated, passionate, and unstoppable. You will ask yourself: “What took me so long?””

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