The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, the thought came to your mind that Patience is a must in the human evolution. You cannot speed up growth, as growth occurs overa period of time in the worlds of time and space. The mere wishing of being grown up does not miraculously transport you from childhood to adulthood. Yet, you can envision it in your mind—you can imagine how it will feel like when you reach that state. This is also facilitated by the many generations that are evolving in front of your eyes. They are the way-showers of things yet to come in your life.

“Childhood is such a precious time. The child is living in a world where reality and imagination are well blended. Ideally, childhood should be like living in a protected harbor blessed with a wonderful tropical climate where the child explores reality and simultaneously escapes in the make-believe scenarios of play and games. A playtime is also an educative tool. Frequently, children mimic the life of the adults around them. They are like sponges and this is the reason why it is so important to wisely censure what they are being exposed to.

“On this world, too many very young children are too prematurely thrown into life challenges that should not be theirs to deal with. This can be very traumatizing for such young and tender souls.

“Learn to appreciate the windows of time that in His Wisdom the Father is opening one by one to His growing children. Let children be children! Be patient with your own growth process! As you learn to master new skills, time is what helps you integrate them in your being. Do not resist time! Do not try to jump loops as it would be detrimental to your growth process. Too much, too soon can be adverse to a healthy growth as so many growth factors are embedded in the multi layers of your being and their development has to be synchronized.

“Your Master Jesus was patient. “My time has not come” was a sentence he frequently spoke whenever his disciples were putting pressure on Him to jump prematurely into action. Premature action may not bring forth the expected results; it is like harvesting a crop before it has matured to its fullness. Patience in the divine timing is a much-needed trait to be cultivated by human beings. The Father is orchestrating a cosmic-wide production and all the players have to play their part at the right place and the right time. This is what makes a door buster.

“Practice patience moment by moment as it is also an access door to Peace. Jesus was a Peace Commanding Presence because He did not allow his life circumstances to frazzle Him and to pressure Him to respond impulsively. On the opposite, whenever He felt some pressure, He immediately took a timeout to turn within to His heavenly Father for advice. Decisions made under pressure are rushed decisions, based on the wrong motivators. Pressure even shortens the breathing and speeds up the heart. Your physical body is like the barometer of your inner atmospheric pressure. Recognize the physical side effects and address them: Take time out; slow your breathing; steady your heartbeat.

“When you are in such a place of restored inner peace, you can then hear the leadings of Spirit and make informed decisions. This is how Jesus was able to stand strong in the eye of His life storms. His very presence was calming and exuded the Peace that passes all understanding. He calmly dealt with “What is” rather than “What if.”

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