The Inner Sherpa



“Man might fear a great God, but he trusts and loves only a good God.” [UB 40:05]

Thought Adjuster: “Do not be intimidated by the Cosmic Celebrity Status of your Maker. Indeed, the greatness of His Master Plan is an endless source of awe for His creatures. Yet, the quest for fame was never the underlying intention of His Love in Action.

“Those of you who truly deserve recognition are the humblest ones who anonymously and silently perform their service to humanity. This is how Jesus lived His glorious life, catering to the spiritual needs of the sick and poor in spirit. This is how Mother Theresa conducted her loving ministry to the least privileged among you—the sick and the poor in the flesh. This is the type of lives that deserve to be honored and remembered due to their genuine merits—on your world and beyond. Their records are safe kept,to be displayed on the Walls of Fame of the Great Library, as it is their selfless service—not their quest for ego gratification—that made such lives greatly successful.

“Your Father in Heaven IS Selflessness. He constantly gives His All fromHis Bottomless Heart. Indeed, He IS Awesome; yet He is close and personal, making Himself approachable to His children of time and space through the Fragments of Himself that He bestows upon them. This is the God you come to trust and dearly love.

“As you become aware of His Precious Presence right within you, you come to change the way you view your physical body and you start setting for yourself worthwhile objectives. Indeed, you can opt to become a worthy tabernacle for the Divine Presence Who dwells within you—at first very anonymously, until such time as you come to realize the staggering impact such a Partnership can exert on your life.

“Your Divine Indweller is the One to turn to in all life’s situations—not only in the challenging ones. He rejoices with you when you turn to Him in gratitude to confide your life’s successes and happy moments. Yet, He is not just your “fair weather Friend”. He is also deeply concerned by your sadness and sorrows and you can trust in the fact that He is unfailingly moved to come to your rescue—just as your heart is moved with compassion by the suffering of your earthly siblings.

“Dear ones, this is how He wants to be KNOWN by you—not in an intellectual sort of way, but in a heartfelt connection. Trust Me, on the day when you start searching for His Presence within you, It will be increasingly revealed to you and the intimidating distance youfelt initially, due to your lack of intimate connection, will shrink nothingness andbe replaced by a very real feeling of ever-growing affection for the One Who always stands by your side, Who has your back, and walks in front of you—thus surrounding you with His Omnipresent Benevolent Presence. How could it be otherwise?”

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