The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, gratitude has to be heartfelt. It is not an intellectual statement but it is an emotion which rises from a heart that feels connected with Its Source. To give thanks is to recognize that you have been blessed with gifts.

“A little child does not recognize yet that his life is being sustained by a multitude of gifts—the nourishment he receives from his mother’s milk together with the love coming from her open heart. That child has yet to become aware that he is separate from his mother. He spent nine months in the womb connected to his mother’s essence. He still feels the oneness with her.

“As the child recognizes his free will power at an age when it is important for him to start claiming his independence from his mother, he also has to learn to stand (literally) on his feet in order to start his independent journey. As he grows older, he has to contribute to his needs being met by recognizing them and taking responsibility for himself. He is no longer carried in his mother’s arms and entirely sustained by her organism.

“Giving thanks is to realize that you are still being provided for in the same loving manner—even though it may not seem as obvious. Yet the sun shines upon your head, the planet provides you with food and shelter. Emotionally you are also entering into meaningful relationships—friendships—that support your emotional expansion. Intellectually, you have access to the knowledge pool accumulated by the pioneering efforts of many. The same goes for your spiritual development. It even goes beyond that area of collaboration on the human level.

“Spirit joins in your emotional, intellectual and spiritual education. Spirit monitors the progress being made on the planet at all these levels and contributes to it on an as needed basis—not too much too soon, yet enough so as not to stunt the soul development.

“Give thanks for this universal process of love in action. Learn to see intuitively the loving intention embedded in your surroundings—the visible and the invisible. As you recognize the omnipresence of Love, your heart will be quickened more and more and will be activated as the Love generator it was meant to be as well.

“Express gratitude whenever you become aware that you have been gifted. You will be amazed to see how many things, persons, events… you have been taking for granted. A thank you goes a long way and it resonates very deeply in the heart of the Giver.”

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