The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “The Medical Arts have advanced so far as to save many lives through the process of organ transplants. When a vital organ is malfunctioning due to genetics or the abuse it has been subjected to by a misguided lifestyle and inadequate nutrition, it can in some cases be substituted with a healthier one, giving a second chance for a better-quality life to its fortunate recipient.

“Frequently such a life-saving event will also have deep repercussions in the psyche of the organ recipient. No longer will he take life as a given. Having been faced with the fragility of his own life, he may be ready to conduct an objective life evaluation.

“He reached the point where denial is no longer an option, as he has to deal with a life and death situation involving his personal survival. Yet, it would be far more preferable not to reach that point. A spiritual awakening does not have to be so traumatic.

“What about your emotional heart? What is its condition? Are you using it according to its divinely pre-ordained purpose? Or are you damaging it by ingesting toxic emotions that are out of sync with its optimal heartbeat and trigger serious emotional arrhythmia that may induce cardiac arrest?

“Dear ones, by taking the time to ponder this, you will greatly improve the quality of your life. I do not speak here of external quality. I speak of internal one. Any positive and higher emotion that you allow to flood your heart will act as a connector in the greater organism that you are part of. It is of primal importance that you find a way to integrate yourself harmoniously in the world you live in. Do not wait until such time as a heart transplant becomes necessary for your emotional survival. It may be too late by then. However, you also have access to the Heart of Jesus. By asking, He will jumpstart your heart and help you restore it to a healthy condition—Love.”

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