The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Let us talk about Emotional Entourage. What do I mean by that? Your being experiences life through the filter of ever changing emotional states—especially during its initial immature state. Maturity comes over time, promoted by experience. You do not have much say in many your life circumstances—the ones stemming from the planetary events. However, they do impact your being at its many levels: physical, mental and emotional.

“Each life occurrence—whether it takes place on the inner or on the outer world—is accompanied by an emotional response on your part. Yet, different people may respond differently to the same occurrences. This depends on what emotions they are the most prone to harbor and what overall attitude they display toward life’s challenges. Are they optimists or pessimists? What is the flavor of their emotional kit? Indeed, emotions come as a kit of kindred emotions. This is what I mean byspeaking of ‘emotional entourage.’

“Those who do not have yet developed a sound habit of introspection tend to lead lives where they constantly emotionally ‘react’—or rather ‘overreact’—to situations they perceive as undesirable. They resist the natural flow of life and their emotional entourage consists mainly of rebellious and hostile emotions that very vocally campaign for their discontent. Such emotions run havoc in their lives as they are very destabilizing and lead to states of unease and even ‘dis-ease.’ At the same time, since misery loves company, they contribute to a ‘mass consciousness’ that exhibits similar propensities.

“Depression and anger are next door neighbors. Anger leaves behind a sorry trail of grudges, bitterness, and resentment from the part of its casualties. On the other hand, Love has a very comforting magnetic aura that unfailingly attracts a vast array of positive emotions: joy, gratitude, empathy, compassion, to name just a few among this happy bunch.

“From this short dissertation, you will get the idea that it is of utmost importance to become aware of your ‘core’ emotions. The emotion that you most frequently harbor in your being is the one that determines your ‘emotional entourage’ and sets the tone for your life.

“Jesus consistently exhibited a cheerful demeanor no matter how difficult His life turned out to be. This is the reason why He was an emotional magnet to the many souls who were looking up to Him. He had acquired what they longed to experience at their soul level. He instilled them with the hope that this too was within their reach.

“Dear ones, turn your sights toward the starry skies rather than continuously grappling with dark emotions. This will greatly expand the scope of your human experience. Isn’t looking at the brighter side of things a much needed driving force in the right direction? Positive emotions will propel you toward a rich and bright destiny filled with prize winning snapshots that will be yours to keep when you move on to other worlds.”

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