Teacher: “As you open your being to be receptive to our diverse spiritual influences, you are putting together a spiritual convention, so to speak. You send out invitations to the spiritual personalities you want to get to know more intimately, in the heartfelt hope that they will grace your humble abode with their presence.
“At first, you do your best to straighten up your inner world and cleanse it from any emotional dust-bunnies or cobwebs that are nesting in the darkest recesses of your being and need to be brought to the Light in order to be dealt with and dispelled.
“From Its vantage point, Spirit smiles at you, witnessing your eagerness to be a good host or hostess. It will not arrive early; nor will It arrive late. It will come at the exact moment when you are done with your preparations, having put the final touches to your welcoming party—the candles are lit, the fragrant incense is burning, and a soft music is setting the tone for an intimate meeting with Spirit.
“As soon as the Guest or Guests of Honor arrive, a wonderful warmth floods your home. Rather than staging this event in the conference room of your head—your Head-Quarter—you selected the most intimate chamber of your being—the Hearth of your heart, where the fire of Love is burning.
“How would you feel if such efforts were put forth to welcome you as a guest in someone’s home? Wouldn’t you come bearing the gifts of Gratitude and Good-Will?
“Dear ones, do not be concerned about the timing of your Guests’ arrival. Be assured that it will be timely—in Divine timing. Concern yourself with attending to the preparations with an open heart. Such an open heart is the “open house” sign that is hanging on your doorknob, effectively replacing the “do-not-disturb” or “no trespassing” signage that so frequently prevents Spirit from feeling welcome in your life.”