The Inner Sherpa



Teacher: “Dear child, today’s topic is about having a spiritual check-up and tune-up. Most of you are well aware of the condition – healthy or unhealthy – of their physical body as your brain sends you messages pertinent to the condition of your carnal envelope.

“Your body is a physical shell, a container for something much more precious and of eternal potential. Sadly, many human beings on this planet are living without the awareness of their Inner Beingness. They over identify with their physical vehicle and do not realize that it is just that: a precious vehicle, the platform of your initial life state before you discard it to move on to other realms of your spiritual career.

“It is essential that each individual learns to go within and connect with their indwelling Divine Fragment in order to undergo a spiritual check-up and tune-up. Your Inner Presence is the monitor of your spiritual circulatory system. He is aware of the areas that need fine tuning, that need to be refined. He is truly your inner health practitioner and consultant. Once you realize that most physical ailments are just the coming to the surface of spiritual and emotional dis-eases, you would naturally turn to the most qualified Health Practitioner in order to get feedback.

“You take your vehicle to the mechanist in order to regularly check its good performance, avoid unwanted break-downs, and prolong its life expectancy in spite of high mileage; it is highly advisable that you also take time in the Stillness in order to take advantage of the inner resource constantly available to you to monitor the well-functioning of your most delicate spiritual system.

“As you grow in your spiritual awareness, you detect more easily whenever there is a blockage in your inner being in need of release. This is when you should immediately turn within to enroll the help of your Inner Guide. He is your inner Power Director. He is in the know of the Divine Matrix and of how you are meant to fit into it. In the course of your physical existence, your part is being shaped and calibrated from its initial state of imperfection to ever finer states. Eventually, you will function smoothly, without the bumps in the road that you experience whenever another tuning is required.

“Welcome these bumps in the road as they are instrumental to your growth. Whenever your car hits a bumpy road, you learn to maneuver around the bumps until such time as the road has been fixed and restored to a state of smoothness. Life on this planet is like driving on a very bumpy and treacherous road. Yet, you are equipped with an Inner Guide, expert in piloting your human vehicle if you only surrender that duty to Him. Practice this trust, over and over again and see what happens.”

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