Thought Adjuster: “Wouldn’t it be wonderful to view life through the Consciousness of Christ? To many of you, it may seem presumptuous and unrealistic. Yet, such is not the case. On the contrary, it is your destination. This is the reason why Jesus affirmed that He was the way, the truth, and the life.
He lived His earthly life to be a way shower—to show the ‘How To’: how to commune with your Indwelling Spirit; how to live a love-centered life; how to forgive wholeheartedly; how to be kind, gentle, and compassionate; how to use your God-given personality for selfless purposes.
Even though you may not have yet had a taste of Christ Consciousness, you can use your imagination to bridge that experiential gap until such time when you establish this mental communion that is within your reach.
How do you think that Christ’s Mind is wired? It is wired to the network of unconditional love. Therefore, it is peaceful, positive, upbeat, cheerful, compassionate, grateful, and displays the intelligence of the heart, as His heart and His mind are interfacing harmoniously.
From this perspective, how can you sculpt your own mind into godlikeness? What do you need to chisel away? Any restlessness, depression, selfishness, greed, self-absorption is indeed preventing you from communing with such a higher mental state. They are the weights that are dragging you down and holding you back, thus preventing the spiritual helium of your being from lifting you heavenward.
There is so much for you to discover if you make the personal resolution to strip your being from its dead weights and to emulate the behaviors of those who are showing you the better ways of being and of living—Christ’s ways.”