The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, here you are again for your daily spiritual breakfast. It is very meaningful to start each day by ingesting spiritual nutrients and spending quality time in the Stillness. As spiritual nutrients are concerned, they do have various nutritional degrees.

“Due to the influence of churches and so-called spiritual leaders, many on this planet only occasionally open themselves to receive spiritual nutrients. It could be once a week, on Sundays, which is when many attend church services—too often out of duty, rather than out of a deep spiritual hunger. Traditional church services frequently rehash what a soul already knows—they offer warmed-up soul food-- spiritual leftovers--that are being dished out to the congregation under a new presentation, yet with the same basic ingredients.

“Dear child, once you taste the customized teachings which are always available to you if you express your intentions to be spiritually catered to, you will never return to the bland dishes with all too familiar tastes, which no longer excite nor stimulate your spiritual taste buds. The more you benefit from this practice of being homeschooled by Spirit, the less attraction spiritual fast-foods have for your being.

“Each soul on this planet has to start spreading its own wings. It has to come to the powerful realization that it matters to such a degree to the Father that He has made arrangements for each one of His children to have private Tutors in order to tender to their unique gifts. Public schools are a good educational foundation but eventually the day comes when the student needs to be oriented toward his/her specialty. This is where the Divine Orientation is essential as only the Divine knows where your strengths and potential strengths are lying.

“In the army, once a new recruit has surrendered his/her will to follow the orders of the chain of command, the free will is connected to the will of the commanding officers. It is done out of duty—not out of love. In the Spiritual Forces, Love is the element to which you are surrendering your free will. The Father is Love and nothing in His will is devoid of love. Isn’t it the greatest assurance there is that you are not only in good hands, but in the best of Hands?

“Learn to surrender without any reservations and to trust 100% that the Father’s Will can be done in you and through you through this selfless act of surrendering. Yes, surrendering is the first step toward selflessness. It is the willful decision of putting the Father’s Will first and, through this decision, you are allowing the Father to align you with His will. This is My job description, My labor of love. This is why I am called your Thought Adjuster. You make adjustments in your attitude toward life and I assist you by picking your brains and picking your heart for meaningful thoughts and feelings that I can help fortify and develop.

“Ours is truly a mutual journey of discovery: the discovery of your true self. We are meant to merge into one and to pursue that journey toward eternity as partners. Shed any feelings of loneliness from your being as no one has been created to be alone. Loneliness is just a clue telling you that you are still living in a state of resistance and separation. Once you attach yourself to the whole, you are instantly becoming part of the divine family and can share into the Love which bathes the universes.”

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