The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, it seems that living on this planet is all about sustainability and is very challenging for the majority of those living at this time as the basic essentials are not a given for most. Much energy is spent in “making a living”--in securing food, clothing, and shelter--and many are immensely lacking in these categories.

“The Father freely provides air for breathing, water for drinking, and much more. However, due to the planetary dysfunction, many of these life-sustaining elements have been contaminated or depleted. There is a huge contrast between those who have and those who lack. They are worlds apart and the bridge of compassion is under construction—far from completion.

“What about spiritual sustainability? Are you too busy with the material aspect of your life to consider that you have to cater as well to your spiritual sustainability—to the potential of an eternal life? What renders you spiritually sustainable?

“It is the inclusion of the highest values in your way of living: Truth, Beauty, and Goodness. They are as important to your soul survival as the physical elements of air and water. They literally feed your soul and contribute to its embellishment. They are the expression of the highest quality of Love there is—a Love meant to be freely shared between all creatures and their Creators. Love is the passport to eternal life. A closed heart is a passport that cannot get a stamp of approval from the Authorities from Beyond. Ugliness cannot gain access to the beautiful realms created to celebrate love and brotherhood.

“If you are planning such a long distance journey of ascension to the much longed-for destination of Paradise, you need to ensure that your credentials are in order and that you have gathered all the necessary background information to pass the muster and be granted access. No one can sneak into these higher realms if their vibrations do not match their purified higher vibrations. This is a Law of the Universe--just like oil and water don’t mix.

“Look at your life from this perspective of spiritual sustainability and weed out any patterns that do not contribute to your soul development. Open up to others as altruism is one of the keys to the combination lock of the heavenly realms. Feed your mind and soul with good spiritual nutrition and reject from your being any “fast foods” that only temporarily satisfy your whims and lead you to regret your decision. They give you heartburns instead of infusing your soul with the peace that surpasses all understanding--the spiritual atmosphere that bathes all life when all is well.

“Strive to improve your spiritual nutrition. Your soul is an embryo that needs to be nurtured with tender love and care. It behooves you to be a responsible caregiver. This is how your inner transformation will occur. This will also allow your spiritual teachers to giveyou a spiritual makeover—to help you strip from your being what is unattractive and to help you exudeyour inner beauty. The expressionof each individual beauty is what moves this planet toward Light and Life. Light is meant to shine upon beauty like a spotlight on a Masterpiece.

"May your life become such a work of artthat can be admired and respected by all! Isn’t the pain worth the gain?”

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