The Inner Sherpa



Teacher: “Dear child, you asked to be explained more about the spiritual influence of the Adjutant Mind Spirits. How does that work? Knowledge – Understanding – Intuition – Counsel – Courage – Worship and Wisdom. When you look at their listing, it seems that each one expands on the former one. As you acquire more knowledge – in an intelligent fashion – you grow in understanding. As you understand more of the workings of your life conditions, you also develop your sense of intuition as your expanded understanding helps you to put 2 and 2 together and to figure out more easily the outworking of the Law of Cause and Effect.

“The Spirit of Counsel is there to assist human beings in their group associations – which will lead in turn to higher group knowledge as each of the individual knowledge is being pooled together in order to make sense of given areas needing clarification. A group also benefits from group intuition whenever it is focusing on Truth, Beauty, and Goodness. In such cases of God-centered individual, the Majority can safely “rule” and guidance will be strongly provided to the group as long as it remains unified and cohesive. “When two or more gather together, I will be among you.” Christ Michael recognized the power of group initiatives.

“The Spirit of Courage is also a powerful influence and driving force. Courage steps in against all odds. Courage infuses a soul with a divine impulse which makes it much stronger and powerful. Again, as a group, courage can move mountains as it is unstoppable. The Spirit of Worship maintains this constant connection with the Heavenly Father and is like the connective tissue between humanity and divinity. Worship is the place in your heart where you meet with your Creator – your inner sanctum.

“From all these various interactions (human/human and human/divine), wisdom can be extracted – a very cumulative wisdom. Individual wisdom acquired through personal life experiences; group wisdom acquired through the ages and through group investigation. Hopefully, such a foundational wisdom will keep expanding as you move through the universes. You will then be able to acquire cosmic wisdom. The more you know, the more you understand, and the wiser you get. Wisdom and Worship are based on the previous influences of the Adjutant Mind Spirits – their foundation.”

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