The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, there are many ways to empower one’s life but they are all connected to Love. What do I mean by that? On this world, power is perceived as the holding by a few of a privileged position that renders them “powerful” as they can make decisions that affect more than themselves. Yet, many of these decisions are not rendered for the Highest Good if they only take into account the personal perceived interest of the so called ‘elite.’

“What is true power? True power has nothing to do with political power or the over accumulation of material wealth. True power has everything to do with Love in Action. This is the reason why Jesus’ life—and the life of many saints and charismatic leaders—had such a multi-generational impact. True power stems from the heart; Love is a powerful seed that keeps seeding itself over and over as it triggers stirring in one heart after another—like a snowball effect of Love.

“Also, truly powerful is the one who has gained mastery over his/her emotions. Rather than allowing some negative emotions to go viral and to take over one’s being, an ‘empowered’ human being remains unfazed by the emotional temper tantrums of other immature beings or by potentially destabilizing situations. He/She holds firms in front of emotional cataclysms and asserts therefore personal authority over them.

“Are you in control of your life? Are you in control of your emotions? This is the personal power that has been gifted to you together with the unique personality that you have received and that is meant to be developed as a powerful agent of co-creation. Yes, dear ones, you have been invested of the power of being co-creators of works of truth, beauty and goodness. How powerful you are!

“By going within, you can survey the circumstances of your life journey and devise meaningful plans to come into your God-given powers—powers that have nothing to do with self-service and everything to do with altruistic cosmic Service. Your have been created as cosmic citizens and your powers stretch far beyond the confines of this world where you are learning to stretch your spiritual wings. These wings will help you navigate eternity. Yours is to flex them so as to soar higher and higher in Love and Light—where you truly belong.”

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