The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, as you ask Me to share with you meaningful teachings, I step in and become a little bit like the switchboard operator of your brain. As you empty your mind, I can do My magic and initiate a communication that is independent from your own thinking.

“This is where we stand right now. You are typing under My dictation and I am able to start conveying to you today’s lesson. Let us speak about True Receptivity as it is all about receptivity.

“In order to be guided, you have to be willing to follow without any reservations once you have recognized that you can wholeheartedly trust in higher Guidance. Such guidance may conflict at some level with your current understanding and is meant to help you weed out untruth from truth. You live in an environment where much untruth cohabitates with truth—where the weeds of untruth planted eons ago by the Lucifer Rebellion have claimed much territory in human thinking.

“I am here to help you identify what is detrimental to your overall wellbeing and what is not. Mushroom pickers who walk the woods in search of prized edible mushrooms need to be aware of the great danger of mistakenly including a poisonous one in their harvest basket. Therefore, they need to be thoroughly informed as to which is which.

“The Adjutant Mind Spirit of Discernment is an Assistant Teacher in your classroom of life. It won’t make the decisions for you but will teach you how to weigh the pros and cons—how to look in depth at situations so that you have all the elements needed to make well-informed decisions.

“Decisions have to be well thought-out as they shape your life. Not all of them come easy; this is why you were also blessed with another Assistant Teacher—the Adjutant Mind Spirit of Courage—whose mission is to 'en-courage' you to move in the right direction so that you fully take advantage of life-changing opportunities.

The wonderful Teaching Faculty of the Adjutant Mind Spirits is all about making you progress to higher levels of understanding and incite you to act accordingly. Understanding without action does not amount to much as it does not translate into a better manifestation of reality. Knowing a formula without applying it is not a factor of change. Its clear formulation may be a mental step in the right direction. Yet, as you can witness, the widespread knowledge of The Golden Rule has not yet brought down to Earth the promised Heaven as it has not been put into action by many of those who ‘detain’ it as a mental possession without allowing it to drop into their heart from which action should be taken. The Golden Rule is foremost a Rule of Conduct.

“Do not content yourself with ‘hoarding’ precious knowledge gathered through the hard work of your inquisitive mind. Knowledge is not there for its own sake. It is there to help you upgrade your reality by putting it into action.”

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