The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, spring has sprung where you live and beautiful blooms and fragrances are being displayed by Mother Nature. This type of beauty deeply tugs at the heartstrings; it goes straight to the heart as pretty much everyone, even the most hardened souls, is taken aback by the beauty of nature—by the breathtaking display of this visible symphony.

“Whenever acknowledged, Beauty never fails to be uplifting as you have been created to be in sync with the Divine Love revealed through Beauty. Ugliness never triggers such feelings of elation and acts as a deterrent.

“Learn to express your inner beauty; it is connected to Love as well. The expression of your own beauty deeply touches the heart of your Creator as it is the main purpose of His creation. Just as you are touched with the beauty expressed in nature, your own natural beauty touches the Father’s heart as it is a sign that you finally understand the purpose of your being and that you are unlocking within yourself the dormant potentials that will help you become more and more Godlike.

“Undiluted Truth is another pillar of Love. Love is honest and straightforward. It does not operate under hidden agendas. It does not manipulate. You have to be true to yourself in order to come into alignment with your life purpose. This is the reason why the Father also gifted you with free will. The God-centered assertion of your free will allows you to find your inner freedom by choosing to align yourself with your personal life purpose rather than by blindly emulating others who have other unique qualifications.

“Whenever you express Truth and Beauty, it is GOOD. At each stage of the creation, the Father issued His stamp of approval based on the criteria of Goodness: “And He saw that it was good.” Each individual creature has to co-create in goodness as well. Each creation should be constructive and contribute to the healthy emergence of the whole. Truth, Beauty, and Goodness are 3 essential parameters that—whenever combined—contribute to tip your life into Love. Love is the precious elixir born out of their collaboration.

“Do consciously focus on these 3 core values throughout your day: Is it true? Is it good? Is it beautiful? Those are the more life transformative questions you could ever ask yourself.”

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