The Inner Sherpa



“The intellectual earmark of religion is certainty; the philosophical characteristic is consistency; the social fruits are love and service.” [UB 1126:05]

Thought Adjuster: “Let us look at the above statement from a less general perspective—an individual one. Indeed, each one of you has been created to be a unified organism under the sponsorship of your religious experience. What do I mean by that?

“The purpose of religion is to harmonize the many facets of your human experience. It should be the driving force of any life, as it restores your connection to the Source and Reason of your being. It then unfailingly connects the dots of your human experience, as genuine religious insights consistently shed light on philosophical musings and are compatible with scientific discoveries. They reveal the secret of a life well lived: love in action.

“Just as the world at large would greatly benefit from such a harmonious collaboration between the trinity of religion, science, and philosophy, your personal quest should be to become the embodiments of a loving and living religion—no longer a crystalized belief system, but a way of life.

“Why else do you think you are the recipients of the spiritual influences of the Seven Adjutant Mind Spirits: Intuition, Understanding, Courage, Knowledge, Counsel, Wisdom, and Worship? Their association combines the wisdom of philosophy with the enlightenment of religion—prompting you to follow the leadings of Spirit and become Its brave torchbearers and trail breakers.

“Each one of these spiritual influences is part of the spiritual starter kit that has been handed to you at birth. You are indeed well equipped to lead a successful mortal life. Yet, as for everything else, it requires your willing personal investment. It is yours to feed your brain, your heart, and your soul, as you are far from using them to their full capacity. These are very real potentials that require your conscious activation.

“Dear ones, I dwell within you to help you coordinate your spiritual development and growth curve. It is a complex balancing act, as, in order to be optimally functional, you cannot oversee any facet of your being, neither can you promote only one of them, at the expense of the others, which would result in a state of unbalance.”

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