Teacher: “Dear One, you have been reflecting this morning about how long it took you to awaken. It does appear that much time was wasted during all the years when you were more complacent in your spiritual life. Yet, each moment mattered as it brought you closer to the moment of your actual awakening.
“What is awakening? It is coming to your spiritual senses. When you were born in this world, it took you a while to come to your physical senses. At first you had to dissociate yourself from the oneness that you had with your mother – in the womb and during your first months when you still functioned as one organism. You also had to get in touch with from your physical environment and learn to relate to it through your physical senses.
“Babyhood and early childhood were your orientation times on this material planet. For many, the orientation stops there if they do not benefit from the wise spiritual guidance of their parents or other positive influences in their lives.
“Yet, at the time of their first moral decision, the Father actively jumps in by delegating one of His Fragment to be hands on in their education, at first as an observer-- the Thought Monitor--, then by fine tuning their thinking and promoting higher thinking; finally, if they wholeheartedly give Him their permission, He can start controlling their thinking. This requires them to live life in a greater state of awareness.
“Lately, you came to understand that this thought control has nothing to do with a dictatorial type of control. It is more like gently calling you back to order when your thinking threatens to stray too far off the positive mark. You could compare it to being held on a spiritual leash, long enough to allow you a sense of freedom, and yet keeping you within safe thinking parameters.
“As you ask for Guidance and are in a state of surrendering and allowing, you invite your Thought Adjuster to step into His more active role of Thought Controller.
“You are not loosing anything in that process. On the contrary, you are gaining more closeness with your Adjuster. As you are learning to humble yourself and change your ways of thinking, you are truly awakening. Upon such an awakening, you wonder why you were oblivious for so long. This definitely points to the fact that your reality has changed as you have been changing yourself. Being awaken makes you aware of a multitude of details that you had so far overlooked and it evens out the scale between the physical and the spiritual realms of your life. It is like providing you with a pair of night time goggles, which illuminate whatever life is contained in the darkness.”