The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, you have been pondering what it would entail to be a “spiritual epicurean.” An Epicurean is defined as someone fond of or adapted to luxury or indulgence in sensual pleasures; having luxurious tastes or habits, especially in eating and drinking. Its antonym is someone austere, simple, plain, modest, and frugal.

“Originally an Epicurean was a disciple of the greek Epicure and was someone definitely grounded and pretty much exclusively focused on the gratification of the physical senses. Yet, there is also much lasting pleasure in the gratification of the spiritual senses. Many of the planetary challenges are stemming from the fact that so many are focused on the material world and are misusing the nutrients it is meant to provide to all in order to sustain their all around life experience.

“The shift is meant to be a shift from the physical sensory pleasures to the spiritual heightened experience. The over gratification of the physical senses leads to an unbalanced human being. The spiritual senses are being suppressed as they are not being correctly identified and nurtured.

“A blissful state is the amazing gratification one experiences when focusing on the spiritual arena of life. Once you initiate that going within process, you start discovering the precious pearls of wisdom and the elation of true worship. These are well beyond the reach of the physical senses and yet they greatly contribute to human happiness as they remove the “e” of ego and upgrade it into a “E”—the E found in ONENESS.

“A spiritual Epicurean would be someone who also lives in the present moment, in the eternal Now. You have to be present in order to have an authentic experience grounded in your reality. An Epicurean is enjoying the present moment through his/her physical senses. Yet, because the physical realm is subjected to the process of time, the physical satisfaction has to be renewed again and again—leading to some addictive behaviors.

“On the other hand, the spiritual senses—once they come in touch with the Divine—are only craving for the love and light substance which elevate their feeling and their thinking; this is extra-temporal. Such a spiritual gratification is contributing to the highest good as it is a connector. All can partake to the “all you can eat buffet” provided by the Divine. Yet, everyone has to determine how much they can safely ingest in order to digest the rich spiritual nutrients provided to strengthen their soul. Moderation is important there too; ingest only as much as is needed to support a healthy growth.”

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