The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear one, you are trying too hard. Growth requires time and patience. Time cannot be sped up but is a wonderful tool for growth. Life situations will naturally bring you opportunities for growth—small or big. At times, they will contribute to fine tuning some already well developed positive traits of character, providing them with an extra polishing. At other times, they will blow open some areas in need of expansion and they will initially be met with resistance until you come to recognize the opportunity for personal—or social growth—that they contain.

“Whenever you ask for guidance, it will be provided to you. This is what we do. We will place clues on your path and your inquisitive attitude will be able to pick up on them. Life is truly a journey that moment by moment reveals to you new landscapes or wider panoramas depending on where it takes you.

“Learn to appreciate the journey and to seize any opportunities for relaxation. What I mean by relaxation is living in a state of allowing and surrendering—rather than one of resistance and tension. This too has to be acquired as it does not come naturally to many. Life challenges are very frequently the cause for many fears and feelings of being overwhelmed. However, the Father always provides times of respite along the way. It is yours to recognize them and to take advantage of them in order to regroup and revitalize your being at all its levels.

“Go through this day searching for such moments. Breathe deeply and consciously work at letting go of any tensions you come to identify within yourself. At the end of the day, review your day and see how you feel. The more you practice ‘being in the flow’, the more you will get to trust that the flow of life is mostly a friendly flow and a great teacher.”

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