Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, you were pondering the fact that each human creature is unique and truly exceptional. Yet, the basic foundation, the physical, emotional, and mental skeletons of each being are similar in their basic make-up. Yet, they enjoy an infinite multiplicity of variations.
“The basic laws of the cosmos are harmonious and uniform so as to ensure a smooth running of the cosmic operations. At other levels, diversity starts emerging and its purpose is to create an agent of endless surprise so as to keep hearts and minds open. The cosmos is not a place of boredom. If it was the case, what would motivate each creature to go on any journey?
“Human relationships should also be thriving on bringing together individual and unique personality traits. Unfortunately, in modern day societies, this fact is hardly recognized by many immature souls who thrive instead to find their groove in blending in with the masses of their peers. They thus form a mass consciousness that may, or may not be misguided.
“As the word indicates it, mass consciousness should be conscious. Yet, we do witness on this planet much mass unconsciousness that is a risk to the spiritual survival of those who adhere to it. The clash of the Titans could as well be described as the clash of various mass consciousnesses against one another.
“Just as many resist change at a personal level, significant groups of people also refuse to make adjustment to their group consciousness. Awakening need also take place at those group levels. It can happen from within – when many individuals within a group come to their senses and decide that they no longer belong there as they have evolved and are open to change.
“At other times, the emergence of a new group could be a force of influence bringing forth new types of behaviors. The resulting positive effects could suffice to inspire changes within a stuck group. A positive force of attraction can act as a magnet to change the dynamics of some of the unhealthy mass consciousness.”