The Inner Sherpa



“It is not the Father’s will that his children should partake only of the serious things of life. Let me repeat: I have come that my brethren in the flesh may have joy, gladness, and life more abundantly.” [UB 139:6:5]

Thought Adjuster: “Jesus made that statement to Judas, who had come to him to criticize Nathaniel, deeming that he was not taking his apostleship sufficiently seriously. At the end of this conversation, Jesus told him: “Go then, Judas, and do well that what has been entrusted to you but leave Nathaniel, your brother, to give account of himself to God.”

Nathaniel was a profound thinker as well as a ‘droll’ humorist. Jesus made it clear that the Father does not expect anyone to tune down any facet of their personality. Nathaniel’s humor was an excellent mitigator for his depth of thinking. It prevented him from taking himself too seriously—which was the self-centered behavior that led Lucifer to his spectacular downfall from grace.

A well-balanced life is not peppered with frustrating ascetic deprivations. It is spiced up with the positive emotions of gratitude, joy, and gladness that adequately preserve your zest for life—paving the way toward authentic happiness.

Do not view life as a duty but as a privilege. It is not a purgatory of sorts but an educational process that provides your soul with what it takes for it to come to full bloom.

Nobody should shame you for having a vibrant and resourceful soul that quickly turns the metaphoric lemons into freshly-squeezed, thirst-quenching, and nutrient-rich lemonade.

Do not neglect your ‘funny bone.’ Give credit to the entertainers of your world whose infectious take on serious human predicaments lifts some of their heaviness off your shoulders. I am speaking here of good-spirited humor, not hurtful, mean-spiritedsarcasm.

Laughter does the soul good. It decreases stress hormones and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies. It triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals. What could possibly be wrong with that?”

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