The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “How do you bring down Heaven on Earth? It can be done right here and right now through the complex organism of your being. Your roots are planted in Mother Earth. Through this very real energetic connection, earth energies can irrigate your being, like the sap moving through a tree. Cultivate this connection, as it is part of what sustains the vibrancy of your physical body.

“Do not neglect your physical body, as it is here for a very important purpose. Once it has served you through your life in the flesh, it will return to Mother Earth to be biodegraded and recycled. In the meantime, it is here to be of service for your spiritual growth and evolution. You are part of this world and your body matters, as it is through this instrument that you manifest and co-create.

“On the other hand, you are also receptive to higher spiritual energies and influences. They are meant to guide you in Truth, Love, and Wisdom. They are dispatched from heavenly realms to infuse your being and guide your decisions.

“Jesus successfully brought down Heaven on Earth in His being. This is foremost an individual connection—available to all, independently of the coming to spiritual maturity of the whole organism.

“As each cell establishes this sacred connection, progress is being made toward the full planetary manifestation of Heaven on Earth. It starts subtly and invisibly at first. Yet, it is very tangible to the one who reaches such a state of inner harmony. Heaven on Earth is devoid of conflict. Heaven on Earth is filled with inner joy and bliss.

“Do not wait for others to take action. As you are made aware of your very own potentials, rather than procrastinating and maintaining an unproductive status quo within yourself, declare your intention to establish this empowering and transformative connection. It will indeed make you truly alive.

“Jesus’s words and promises were always grounded in Truth. They were never empty. Therefore, take His words for it, as He did not intend for them to fall on deaf ears. Follow His advice and you too will get in touch with this amazing part of you that will make you proud and fulfilled. Indeed, you can plant the insignia of Heaven on your little piece of theearthly real estate! This will also be how you stake a claim for yet another homestead in the Father’s Name.”

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