The Inner Sherpa



“You who prefer to sit in darkness are of this world; I am not of this world, and I live in the eternal light of the Father of lights.” [UB, 162:5.3]

Thought Adjuster: “There is a subtle admonition in the above statement by Jesus that is still relevant due to the proliferation of confusing incidents. Due to their lack of awareness, many go with the erratic flow in which their life is immersed.

Jesus indiscriminately blessed all with his Spirit of Truth to provide personal enlightenment and foster discernment while the dark forces of iniquity resort to the effect of surprise to cause intentional mayhem. If you do not question what ‘rattles your cage,’ you cannot separate the wheat from the chaff and are part of the problem. 

Do not let emotional predators get the upper hand, keep you in the dark as to their misguided whims, and rob you of your God-given liberties.

Numerous displays of abject depravity are instrumental in creating a new ‘normal’ reinforced by accusing those who bravely voice their discontent of being judgmental and intolerant.

Jesus himself would not and could not tolerate disrespect toward the divine and supreme values of interactive truth, beauty, and goodness. He embodied them. Do not be lulled in collusive complacency by the clever justifications of those who operate in total disregard for moral values. Their emotional gaslighting has to come to an end! 

Whenever you are unsettled by what you witness, remember that you do not have to partake in such decadency. Follow the light of Christ and its profound leadings of truth and wisdom! Defect from the herd of the sleepwalkers and rejoice in your newfound independence. From that place of inner peace, like a shooting star, you will emit a noticeable luminous trail, bearing witness to the better ways of living.”

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