Thought Adjuster: “Dear one, the thought came to your mind that you can change your reality by changing the way you look at it. Let us expand on that topic. Your emotional state is the lenses through which you color your reality. If you are downtrodden, everything will appear dismal—even though the sun may be shining bright. Through such darkly tinted emotional glasses, you can only perceive darkness. This is the reason why Gratitude is so transformative and powerful.
“Rather than focusing on the famous half empty glass, you are focusing on the fullness of your life—on what makes it rich. Gratitude is your soul’s sunglasses. Cultivate your ability to look at the bright side of everything and it will be like turning on a light switch in your inner life. It will truly activate and expand your optimistic side and such optimism is an attitude of invincibility. It is your zest for life—your emotional appetite that leaves you wanting for more.
“How can you bring about such a powerful transformation within yourself? Gratitude is part of the process--but not all of it. When you want to restore fitness in your physical body, you stop and scrutinize your habits. You look at each one of them and, from your life experience, you draw conclusions about them: Are they serving your optimal welfare or are they detrimental to it?
“After establishing which uncomfortable symptoms you want to get rid of, you then have to figure out a game plan – a new way of taking care of your physical body. You will go on a substitution diet and remove from your nutrition the unhealthy components. You will substitute them for nutrients of higher value. Thus, by increments, you will optimize your health. At the same time, you may decide to go on an exercise program in order to tone your body. This will require you to engage your will power as you tread into unfamiliar territory. Eventually, you will tip the scale of your lifestyle toward wellness and your previous lifestyle will lose all its attraction as you will feel more vibrant than ever before.
“The same applies to your spiritual nutrition. Many of you live in a sad state of spiritual malnutrition as you have neglected this aspect of your being. You are so over focused on material experiences, that you forget that you are mighty spiritual beings living in a carnal envelope—an envelope that is meant to return to dust.
“How short-sighted and foolish it is to focus on what is ephemeral rather than on what has eternal value! Go within and turn to Me so that I can provide you with My Guidance. Ask for My input and I will help you establish a healthy spiritual diet. You will have to scrutinize your spiritual nutrition and strip it from all its low vibratory elements; many of them are diffused into your life through a misuse of your electronic devices—TV, computer, cell phone… Learn to dial into higher vibrations.
“You will also start flexing your soul muscles by adhering to a regular Stillness practice. Your rewards will be the feelings of well-being, of peace and of serenity that will replace the restlessness and dissatisfaction you were experiencing previously. Isn’t that well worth a try?”